Stephen Stahl, MD, Ph.D., DSc (Honorary)
Stephen is an internationally renowned clinician, researcher, and teacher in psychiatry with expertise in psychopharmacology. He boasts an expansive background, having held faculty positions at Stanford University, the University of California at Los Angeles, the Institute of Psychiatry London, the Institute of Neurology London, and, currently, as clinical professor of psychiatry and neuroscience at the University of California Riverside, adjunct professor of psychiatry at the University of California San Diego and as Honorary Fellow in Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge. Stephen serves as editor-in-chief of CNS Spectrums and is Senior Academic Advisor and Director of Psychopharmacology for the California Department of State Hospitals (DSH).
With over 560 articles and chapters with an H index of 62, Stephen has contributed over 2000 scientific presentations and abstracts, 53 textbooks (including a best-selling psychiatry textbook), and a novel. He’s been awarded the International College of Neuropsychopharmacology (CINP) Lundbeck Foundation Award in Education, the British Medical Association’s Book of the Year Award, first prize for Best Digital Medical Book, the A.E. Bennett Award of the Society of Biological Psychiatry, the APA/San Diego Psychiatric Society Education Award, the UCSD Psychiatry Residency Teaching Award, an Honorary Doctorate of Science by Üsküdar University, and has been cited as one of “America’s Top Psychiatrists” and one of the “Best Doctors in America.” He was honored with the APA’s Distinguished Psychiatrist Award, gave the Distinguished Psychiatrist Lecturer for 2013, was named the APA’s 2016 David Mrazek Award Winner, and gave the Mrazek Pharmacogenomics Memorial Lecture at the 2016 APA meeting. His alma mater Northwestern University honored him by naming the award for the most promising medical student to go into psychiatry the “Stephen Stahl Award.” He has recently co-founded a School of Psychopharmacology, Psychiatry, and Neuroethics at the European University of Rome at the invitation of the Vatican to work with Pope Francis.